Monster Moviepedia

Greta, or the Girl Gremlin, is a mutant Gremlin from Gremlins 2: The New Batch.

Originally a normal gremlin that broke into Dr Catheter's Splice'o'life lab, it stole and drank one of the formulas transforming it into the gremlin that is Greta. Although she is harmless the moment the Clamp employee Forrester goes into the lab, she latches herself onto his leg refusing to let go.

Later Greta is seen with the other gremlins in the lobby of Clamp Tower singing with her brethren. But before the song is over, she runs off to find her love Forrester whom she then forces into a shotgun marriage, and is seen to be the only known surviving gremlin.


  • There is a small figure of Greta and a larger more possible Greta figure some time in the future.



           Amblin Entertainment Logo Monsters

Animated Features
Constance | Manhattan Monster | Sharptooth | Wave Monster

Live-Action Films
3D Glasses Gremlin | Acid-Throwing Gremlin | Archer | Bandit Gremlins | Bat Gremlin | Blender Gremlin | Boombox Gremlins | Brain Gremlin | Brick Bazooka | Bull T. rex | Butch Meathook | Carnotaurus | Ceratosaurus | Clown Doll | Daffy | Dilophosaurus | Earl | Ele | Electric Gremlin | E.T. | Exotic Gremlin | Flasher Gremlin | George | Gizmo | Gremlins | Greta | Hand Puppet Gremlin | Indominus rex | Indoraptor | Insaniac | Kip Killigan | Knight Gremlin | Lenny | Lightbulb Gremlin | Link Static | Major Chip Hazard | Nick Nitro | NY T-Shirt Gremlin | Octaman | Ocula | Phone Gremlin | Poker Playing Gremlin | Popcorn Bag Gremlin | Punch-It and Scratch-It | Rhino | Secretary Gremlin | Shower Gremlin | Slamfist | Smoking Gremlins | Sparkle Hat Gremlin | Spinosaurus | Stripe | Surgeon Gremlin | Tattoo Parlor Gremlin | Tour Guide Gremlin | Traffic Light Gremlin | Troglokhan Tyrannosaurus rex | Tyrannosaur Buck | Tyrannosaur Doe | Unidentified Gremlins at Dorry's Tavern | Vegetable Gremlin | Velociraptors

See Also
Jurassic Park Monsters
