Monster Moviepedia

Needlenose was a cactus monster created by Lord Zeddfrom a rare species of cactus (classified as cactal vocifera spinoctera) that Tommy gave to Kimberly as a gift. Needlenose used paralyzing needles to weaken his opponents. Zedd wanted Goldar & Needlenose to act quickly, travelling back in time to 1880 through a time hole, where they encountered Kimberly (who had previously fallen through said timehole) and the ancestors of the modern-dayPower Rangers. After being almost defeated, Needlenose and Goldar travelled back to the present. After being made huge by Zedd, Needlenose began throwing his sharp cactus-like projecticles at the Mega Tigerzord, although they were soon bounced back by a shield barrier created by the zord. Needlenose is destroyed by the Mega Tigerzord's Firebird attack. When Needlenose was destroyed, the cactus he was created from was returned to normal.
